domingo, 5 de enero de 2020


The Colca canyon

It is located in the region of Arequipa, in the province of Caylloma, here is located the deepest canyon in the America with 4160 meters, the valley has silver mines, churches, hot springs, rivers, lakes, flora and fauna.
The Colca Canyon is the best known tourist attraction of the Colca Valley, This canyon is produced by the erosion of the Colca River for 10 million years ago, the cross of the Condor is the most recommended place to observe the canyon and the amazing flight of the condor.

You can see the condor flight only very early from 4:30 am to 9:00 am, so you are had to get up early.

The Andean condor is the largest and heaviest bird in the world that can fly, it feeds on carob.
Another tourist place is La Calera thermal baths, these waters contain a large amount of calcium, zinc and iron.

viernes, 3 de enero de 2020

Travel problems

My family have gone to market, to buy vegetable, meat, cereals and fruits for the week, on a Sunday afternoon, back there were problems because the flat tire, back then we haven't had a tire replacement, my father went in search of an automotive workshop to patch the tire, but he didn't find it.  the tire was too spent when inflated it deflated again, to return home my father drove very slowly.

Another problem when we were traveling was that the battery was low and did not start the car.

you are going on a trip, you should follow these recommendations

  1. the battery is charge enough
  2. have the corresponding equipment to travel

sábado, 28 de diciembre de 2019


how to stay healthy?

we should do exercise, we can run and swim. We must also eat healthy, Sometimes we don't have much time and we can only do one type of exercise.

What is healthier swimming or running?

swimming is more than running, We are going to do swim

we have the following benefits:

  • Produces low impact on bones and joints
  • Greater flexibility and elasticity
  • Improvement of the respiratory system and increased lung capacity
  • Neural and cognitive benefits
  • Fight chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes or cholesterol

viernes, 27 de diciembre de 2019

The weather in my city Arequipa 

I live in the province of Arequipa, which has a characteristic climate, in the summer season the weather is cloudy, rainy and have to use umbrellas, in the autumn season the weather is hot, dry and have to use a caps and hat , in the winter season the weather is colder and have to use scarf, in spring the weather is cool with wind.

Arequipa has a dry climate all year and sunny almost all year round, a fact is that the seasons are due to solstices and equinoxes.

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019

                                          My abilities

my name is Vilca Cayllahua Eric am very good in mathematics and physics.I play chess well, swim, play soccer and I am good with technology and design programs.

My favorite famuos

He is Ronaldihno, isyer  player de footbal soccer, great technique, skill and quality when it comes to controlling the ball, for the accuracy of your passes and free throws, as well as for your dribbling.

Warm-up exercises before playing footbal

  • Neck: we tilt the head to the left and right side. We make complete head turns. 
  • Arms: we grab our hands and extend our arms as far as possible above the head. The same but with the arms behind the back. 
  • Knees: we perform circular movements with both right and left knees and in both directions in and out. 

                                               MY FAVORITE FOOD


This tamales are delicious, First, the dressing containing onion, yellow pepper, salt, pepper and chicken. It is finally wrapped in corn paste and wrapped in a banana leaf.


This fried trucha are fantastic, to elaborate we need a trucha, we add wheat flour, cornmeal, salt, pepper and then fry it in hot oil. we accompany many rice and salad.


It is cooked with rice, milk and sugar, it is accompanied with cinnamon.

these foods are very delicious.